Welcome to Starlings and Year 4 and 5.
The teachers in Starlings are Mrs Atkins on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Ms Miah on a Thursday and Friday. Miss Price supports the class every morning. Starlings have a locker to keep their belongings in – we ask that children only bring small bags into school each day so that the lockers are not too full! Children are welcome to bring a snack of fruit, vegetables or cheese for morning playtime and will need to have water bottles in school. Pictures of staff
Our main topic for the Autumn Term is Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Mountains. In geography, we consider the key questions: Why do some earthquakes cause more damage than others? How do volcanoes effect the lives of the people of Hiemaey? How are the Cambrian Mountains different from the Himalayan Mountains? In the Spring term, we move on to focus on to World War II and in the Summer term our topic is Fair Trade. More detail is available on the curriculum pages of the school website.
One of the exciting things about Year 4 and 5 is that we start learning a new language – this year it will be German!
We have high expectations of reading in Key Stage 2, therefore we encourage every child to read at least 5 times weekly, and ask parents or children to record this in their reading diaries. We will check the diaries every Monday and each week a child achieves the 5x a week target, a raffle ticket is put in the box ready for the reading challenge assembly. Tickets are drawn half-termly for a prize.
Homework in Year 4 and 5 consists of reading (as above), spellings (weekly) and a topic based task that will cover options from across the curriculum, which is due every half term.
PE is twice a week on a Monday and Friday. The children come into school in their PE kit on these days.
Copies of our half-termly ‘Ask Me About’ newsletter and our latest homework grid can be found below.
Ask Me About
'Ask Me Abouts' will be added here half-termly to keep you informed about what we have been doing and what we intend to do in Starlings.