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- Albourne C of E Primary School | Church of England School West Sussex
Welcome to Albourne C.E. Primary School. We are a friendly and welcoming Church of England School situated in Albourne village in the Mid Sussex countryside. Programme of Events Spring 2 Latest Newsletter Vision & Values Document Hurst Educational Trust & Albourne Vision SIAMS Inspection Report School @ a glance The Albourne Way Living life to the full Welcome to Albourne C of E Primary Meet The Explorer, The Polisher & The Listener 'Children at Albourne are fortunate to be there. ' 'They flourish from start to finish.' SIAMS Inspection January 2025 To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. We are a friendly and welcoming church school situated in Albourne village in the Mid Sussex countryside. We teach Primary School children age 4 to 11 years. Explore Headteacher's Welcome I am proud to lead an exceptionally committed and caring staff team in this thriving school. We are set in the heart of Albourne village in beautiful rural surroundings at the foot of the South Downs. Read more Christian Life Our Christian values are the basis for everything we do at Albourne and they play a key role in the development of our pupils academically, emotionally, morally, socially and spiritually. Find out more Curriculum Education at Albourne is inclusive and lessons are delivered in a way that ensures every child is accepted and valued for their individuality. Find out more Wrap Around Care We offer Wrap Around Care before and after the school day, in order to support working parents. Our provision includes a Breakfast Club, a range of extra-curricular clubs and an After School Club. Find out more Albourne school is like a big family - the children look out for each other and all staff and students know each other, regardless of which class they are in. The Albourne way has strengthened this as well as making the children aspire to constantly improve their work. Survey 2024 Latest news For all the latest school and class news, follow us on Instagram. Follow us on Instagram
- Christian life | Albourne C of E Primary School
Collective Worship is an important part of each day at our school. Some days we meet together as a whole school, on others as Key Stages, Houses or individual classes. Christian Life Ensuring our school and our lessons are inviting, inclusive and inspirational. SIAMS Inspection January 2025 Vision & Values Document Collective Worship Collective Worship is an important part of each day at our school. Some days we meet together as a whole school, on others as Key Stages, Houses or individual classes. Each half term we focus on one of our values in particular. Our Collective Worship is inviting, inclusive and inspirational. It includes time to worship through song and prayer, a time for reflection and is usually linked to Biblical teachings. We have regular visits from Reverend Rachel Cornish, Priest in Charge at St Bartholomew's Church in Albourne and Splash , a local Christian charity that works within schools. Our churches Our school is situated within the Parish of Albourne, which is part of three parishes. These are known as ASCAT: Albourne, Sayers Common and Twineham, and lie within the Diocese of Chichester. Our local churches are St Bartholomew's Church in Albourne and Christ Church in Sayers Common. Throughout the year we attend services at these churches. Religious Education At Albourne, we deliver Religious Education (RE) in line with the West Sussex Agreed Syllabus. This provides an effective RE programme of study to enable pupils to have the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to hold balanced and informed conversations about religions and worldviews. Through RE, we seek to give our children a rich variety of experiences from which they can develop knowledge, understanding and awareness of all faiths. RE also has a significant role in the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs. We encourage pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. In line with the Church of England’s Statement of Entitlement (2019), we aim for all pupils: to know about and understand Christianity as a diverse global living faith through the exploration of core beliefs using an approach that critically engages with biblical text to gain knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and world views appreciating diversity, continuity and change within the religions and worldviews being studied to engage with challenging questions of meaning and purpose raised by human existence and experience to recognise the concept of religion and its continuing influence on Britain’s cultural heritage and in the lives of individuals and societies in different times, cultures and places to explore their own religious, spiritual and philosophical ways of living, believing and thinking Find out more about our teaching of RE on our Religious Education page.
- Key information | Albourne C of E Primary School
Here you can find out all the key information about our school, from Admissions information and our latest inspection reports, to funding and policies. Key information Here you can find out all the key information about our school, from Admissions information and our latest inspection reports, to funding and policies. Explore Ofsted, SIAMS, School Improvement & 2024 Results 2024 Data Find out more Admissions Download our prospectus, find out our next Open Day dates and read the Admissions information. Find out more Policies Everything you might need to know about our school and how we work. Find out more Safeguarding Find out more Wrap Around Care We offer Wrap Around Care, before and after the school day, in order to support working parents. Our provision includes a Breakfast Club, a range of extra-curricular clubs and an After School club. Find out more British Values Albourne promotes and upholds the British Values of Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance alongside our Christian Values. Find out more Equality We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, sexual orientation, age or socio-economic background. Find out more Funding and Finances Find out about our finances, including our Pupil Premium and Sports Premium allocation. Find out more
- Year 2 2034-24 | AlbourneCEPrimary
Year 2 Skylarks Class Following the Albourne Way living life to the full Ask Me Abouts Autumn 2 Ask Me Abouts Autumn 1 Meet the Teacher September 2024 Skylarks Curriculum Overview 2-24-5
- Diary dates | Albourne C of E Primary School
Information on our forthcoming events for parents and prospective parents, including our Open Days. Diary Dates Forthcoming events for parents and prospective parents this term. Forthcoming events Open Days for Prospective parents Wednesday 2nd October at 9:30 Tuesday 8th October at 1:30 Saturday 12th October 11:00 Wednesday 13th November 4:00 Thursday 28th November 9:30 For parents who would like to find out more about our school before applying for a place, or those who have already applied to our school and would like to visit again to see what's new. Please reserve your place by contacting the Office at or by calling 01273 832003. Check back again soon for more events this term. Term dates View the West Sussex County Council school term dates for 2024-25. School Calendar with INSET Days Term dates 2024-25 (
- Contact us | Albourne C of E Primary School
Our School Office staff are happy to answer your questions or take messages for other staff. Telephone: 01273 832003 Email: Address: The Street, Albourne, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 9DH All visitors must report to the School Office. Contact us We welcome enquiries from all parents/carers, whether your child is already at Albourne or whether you are considering applying to our school. You can contact us on the details below. Explore Contact details Our School Office staff are happy to answer your questions or take messages for other staff. Printed copies of policies/ information from this website are available for parents/carers on request and free of charge. Telephone 01273 832003 Email Postal address The Street Albourne Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9DH In person All visitors must report to the School Office. If you have a question about something in class, a message can be passed onto the class teacher, or an appointment made at the end of a school day. Please note the start of the school day is a busy time for teachers whilst they welcome children into the classroom. Key members of staff Headteacher - Ms F Keeling Secretary - Mrs Rebecca Sweet Operations Manager - Mr P Wilkes SENCo - Ms Nargis Miah Governors The Chair of Governors - Janneke Blokland - can be contacted via the Clerk to Governors by email at Hurst Education Trust Albourne Church of England Primary School is part of the Hurst Education Trust. Details of the Trust can be found at and key documents, including the Trust's annual report and accounts, can be accessed at The Hurst Education Trust is a Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales Registered No. 13807225 The Trust's contact details are: Hurst Education Trust c/o Hurstpierpoint College College Lane Hurstpierpoint West Sussex BN6 9JS 01273 836914
- Year 6 2023-24 | Albourne C of E Primary School
Information for Year 6 parents on what we are learning this year. Year 5/6 Nightingale Class Following the Albourne Way living life to the full Ask Me Abouts Autumn 2 Ask Me Abouts Autumn 1 Nightingales Curriculum Overview 2-24-5 Meet the Teacher Sep 2024 Welcome to Nightingales. 'Ask Me Abouts' will be added here half-termly to keep you informed about what we have been doing and what we intend to do in Nightingales class. Welcome to Nightingales (Years 5 and 6). The teacher in Nightingales is Mr. Hamilton. The class also has the support of Mrs. Henson in the mornings and as cover for Mr. Hamilton on Friday afternoons. Nightingales have a newly built classroom separate from the school’s main building with its own lockers, toilet block and a smaller group-work room. The Autumn term will introduce the children to the geography topic of Mountains and Volcanoes. They will find out how volcanoes affect the lives of those living in Iceland, and making local comparisons with people living in mountainous areas of Wales. In English, the children will follow the Albourne Writers Way to create some wonderful descriptive writing inspired by ‘The Wolves of Currumpaw’,’The man who walked between the Twin Towers’ and ‘Survivors’. We expect all children to be reading daily at home and in school when the opportunity arises. Home reading should be recorded in their reading diary, which we check weekly- those who have been reading daily will have a raffle ticket entered into the half-termly reading challenge, with the opportunity to win a book. In maths, we will be recapping the children’s knowledge of place value, the four operations and fractions. This will be carried out through a range of question types to help develop a deeper understanding of mathematical skills. We will also do a weekly times table challenge to help speed up their recall. In computing the children will be learning more about the importance of safety and how we can use spreadsheets to help with calculations and displaying of data. Design technology will be a themed day run by the STEM Ambassadors, who have quite a challenge for the children. Religion, will allow the children to find out about the Hajj through a study of Islam and to study the question, ‘Was Jesus the messiah?’ To keep fit and healthy, we will have two PE lessons per week- our first session will focus on developing tag rugby skills and the second will split, with year 6 going swimming and year 5 doing dance. In science we will explore living things and their environments. We will be having a trip to London to the Natural history Museum as part of geography topic work. We set homework on Google Classroom based on reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling, and maths (related to our classwork). Thanks, as ever, to all the parents and carers for their help and support. Please feel free to contact us. Downloads For all letters, information and forms for parents, please follow the link to our Downloads page. Downloads page
- British Values | Albourne C of E Primary School
Albourne Church of England Primary School promotes and upholds the British Values of Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance alongside our Christian Values. British Values at Albourne Promoting and upholding British Values. Albourne Church of England Primary School promotes and upholds the British Values of Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance alongside our Christian Values. An understanding of democracy is developed through our Pupil Parliament . Elections are held at the start of the year. Following a vote, each class elects class representatives to the Parliament. They meet regularly to bring to the group any issues or ideas from their classes. In addition, they are consulted about their ideas for school improvement and in policy making. Pupils also vote for House Captains to lead their Houses and encourage children to earn points for their house. These children are all in Year 6 and will act as ambassadors when there are visitors to our school. Find out more about our Houses on our House Teams page. An understanding of the rule of law is developed through discussion of the rights and responsibilities of the pupils as linked to our values. This informs individual class charters, and impacts on relationships and behaviour in school. Children are helped to learn to manage their behaviour through making the right choices, and to understand the consequences of their actions. Key information downloads For all key information and school policy documents, please follow the link to our Policies page. British Values information leaflet for parents Policies
- Funding and Finances | Albourne C of E Primary School
Find out about our funding and finances, including how we use our Pupil Premium and Sports Premium. Funding and Finances Enhancing the quality of provision at our school. Our finances As of September 2020, all schools are required to publish how many people in their organisation earn over £100,000 and publish a link to our page on the Government financial benchmarking service. Albourne CofE Primary has zero people in our organisation earning £100,000 or above. The Government benchmarking page for our school can be found at the link below. - Schools financial benchmarking Pupil Premium Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to children who are either looked after by the Local Authority; those who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (also known as Ever 6 FSM) and for children whose parents are currently serving in the Armed Forces. The level of premium for 2019-20 is £1,320 per primary pupil, with £1,900 for those with special guardianship or adopted from care. The purpose of the funding is to help schools to close the gap between the progress of children who are disadvantaged or vulnerable, and their peers. It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium allocated to their school is spent. Schools are accountable for their use of the additional funding to support pupils from low-income or vulnerable families and the impact this has on educational attainment. The barriers that need to be overcome by vulnerable pupils can vary - at Albourne we are aware of: Emotional barriers to learning - where a pupil struggles with situations beyond their control and needs support to manage their feelings and therefore needs pastoral support. Financial barriers to learning - where a pupil is unable to access all the opportunities that are offered due to financial constraints and therefore needs financial support. Academic barriers to learning - where a pupil has lower attainment than their peers and therefore needs additional support to close the gap. Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020-23 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2019-20 Sports Premium Sports funding is a grant given to every primary school. The aim of this funding is to enhance the quality of provision of sports and Physical Education (PE) and to enable all children to take part in a wider range of activities that promote a healthy lifestyle. Our PE and sports premium allocation for the academic year 2023-24 is £17,580. The documents below show how we have spent our grant in previous years. Sports Premium Report 2023-24 Sports Premium Report 2022-23 Sports Premium Report 2021-22 Sports Premium Report 2020-21 Sports Premium Report 2019-20 Key information downloads For all key information and school policy documents, please follow the link to our Policies page. Policies
- Year 5 2023-24 | AlbourneCEPrimary
Year 5 Woodpeckers Class Following the Albourne Way living life to the full Ask Me About 'Ask Me Abouts' will be added here half-termly to keep you informed about what we have been doing and what we intend to do in Woodpeckers class. Ask Me About Ask Me About February 2024 Ask Me About March 2024 Ask Me About May 2024 Ask Me About July 2024