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  • PTA | Albourne C of E Primary School

    Parent and Teacher Association Raising vital funds for our school. We proudly maintain a strong bond with our parents and boast an active and passionate Parent and Teacher Association (PTA). Fundraising is a continuous endeavor for our dedicated PTA, who raise and donate approximately £8,000 to £12,000 per year to our school. They achieve this through a variety of events and sales, which typically include the following throughout the school year: - Annual Christmas fair and raffle - Summer fair - Children's discos - Movie nights - Non-uniform days - Regular cake sales - Pupil-designed Christmas card sales - Affordable second-hand uniform sales - Summer ice lolly sales The funds raised by our fantastic PTA have contributed to numerous projects that benefit our school community. Some of these achievements include: - Upgrade of the Reception class's outdoor area - Installation of new reading corners in classrooms - Contributions towards class trips and other enriching experiences Getting involved with the PTA activities can be a really rewarding experience. Any time you can give however great or small is hugely appreciated and valuable so please get in touch! Parents play a vital role in shaping a successful and blossoming school community. Our dedicated PTA email address is: If you are an Albourne parent and you would like to find out more about the PTA, or to join the team, please contact the PTA Chair via the School Office at Downloads and links Download our documents for further information. PTA Financial Summary 2022-23 Chair and Treasurer's Report 2022-23 PTA Chair's Report 2021-22 PTA Treasurer's Report 2021-22 PTA Financial Summary 2021-22 PTA Chair's Report 2020-21 PTA Treasurer's Report 2020-21 PTA Financial Summary 2020-21

  • SEND Information | AlbourneCEPrimary

    SEND - Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Following are the policies and reports relating to Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) which we have at Albourne C of E Primary School school to help parents / carers and others in our school to know about our approach to supporting the needs of all children. To contact our SENCo, Ms Miah, please contact the school office on 01273 832003 / The SEND Governor is Mrs L Whitmore, who can be contacted here: Link to West Sussex SEND: Special educational needs and disability (SEND) - West Sussex County Council SENDIAS Home Page - West Sussex SENDIAS Service SEND Report 2023-24 SEND Policy Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Local Offer West Sussex

  • Governors | Albourne C of E Primary School

    Governors Supporting our whole school community. Local Governing Body Albourne C of E primary 2024-25 Our Governors All Governors are volunteers and our governing body includes representatives from parents, staff, the local community, the Local Authority and Diocese. They have a range of backgrounds and skills, including business and education, which enables them to be effective as a Governing Body. Governors share the school’s vision and values and this informs their priorities and decisions. Our Governing Body are committed to making a positive contribution to the school and your child’s education. This includes all pupils' learning as well as their overall wellbeing. Governing Body Janneke Blokland Chair of Governors ​ ​ Louise Whitmore Vice Chair of Governors and Parent Governor ​ Rev Rachel Cornish Governor ​ Sophie Jupp Parent Governor ​ Fiona Keeling Ex officio, Headteacher ​ Ruth Schofield Co-opted Governor ​ ​ Nargis Miah Teacher Governor Rebecca Bownas Co-opted Governor Tim Higginson Co-opted Governor ​ Sian Cattaneo Clerk ​ ​​ Role of the Governors The Governors seek to support the school community as a whole: pupils, staff and parents, and they are also accountable to the whole school community. ​ The aims of our Governors are to: Be strategic Act as a critical friend in the development of the school Hold the school to account ​ The Governors also maintain strong links with our local community, which includes St Bartholomew's Church in Albourne and Albourne village. ​ The specific roles of our Governors are to: Set a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school Work with the Headteacher to promote and maintain a high quality education for all pupils To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the pupils and the performance management of staff Ensure final oversight of the financial performance of the school and the effective use of school resources ​ How the Governors work Individual Governors have no power or responsibility; it is only the full governing body that has legal duties and powers. However, all Governors share in that corporate responsibility. The school's direction is agreed by the Governing body, Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team, who also make sure the school is meeting its targets. The Headteacher and staff manage the school on a day-to-day basis. The Governors meet six times a year for full governing body meetings. These meetings cover all matters of governance. Each Governor takes on a specific monitoring role for different aspects of school governance. Our flat structure removes the need for sub-committees. Governors are also part of various working parties during the year which shares the workload and helps us to be more effective. ​ Regular training enables governors to keep up-to-date with current thinking in education and church schools. The Governors welcome parents' feedback about the school. If you have any queries about the role of the Governors, or require further information, please contact our Clerk to Governors, Sian Cattaneo, via the school office or email . The Chair of Governors can be also be contacted via the Clerk. About our Governors "I became a governor in 2023. In my main role I am the Chaplain at Hurstpierpoint College, and have a keen interest in supporting education in the area in which I live. Previously, I was chair of governors of a primary school in Wiltshire, where I worked in parish and school life. Having a background in Science, I am also passionate about enthusing children to learn and discover the world for themselves." ​ Janneke Blokland, Chair of Governors ​ ​ "I became a Co-opted Governor early in 2020. I am keen to offer my experience of 40 years in primary education to further support this successful school. I was a class teacher for 28 years, both here and in International Schools abroad. I was Headteacher of a school in West Sussex for 12 years. Since I retired, I have continued to be involved in training the next generation of teachers." ​ Ruth Schofield, Co-opted Governor ​ ​ "I became a parent governor in Autumn 2020. I have two children at Albourne and I want to play a greater role in supporting the development of this wonderful school. I’ve taught History for nearly 20 years in a sixth form college and also secondary schools. I feel I am in a good position to not only use my knowledge and perspective as a parent but also have a real understanding of working in a school. I am currently taking a career break but continue to work as an A-level examiner." ​ Louise Whitmore, Parent Governor ​ "I became a parent governor in Autumn 2020. I currently have two children at Albourne (one in Key Stage 1 and one in Key Stage 2). I have worked in the Financial Services sector since finishing university and continue to do so. I volunteered to take on this role as I wanted to help and support the school. I hope to bring a working parent's perspective to the team. I am very much looking forward to helping all the children currently, and in the years to come, have the most positive school experience. I have a big passion for the outdoors, sport and education." ​ Sophie Jupp, Parent Governor ​ I became a governor at Albourne in Autumn 2023. I am currently working full time at Hurst College as Head of the Humanities Faculty and Director of Educational Research which helps inform teaching and learning practice across the whole of the College. I have been teaching since 2010, after completing my geography degree, and during this time in education I have worked as a: Sports Coach, Teacher of Geography, Teacher of Sociology, Head of Department (geography and sociology), Head of Faculty and Director of Educational Research. I am keen to support the school in its Curriculum Development and all aspects of Teaching and Learning moving forward. ​ Rebecca Bownas ​ "I became a governor in January 2024, and will be taking an interest in finance. I live in the parish of Albourne and am now retired, having spent my career in the NHS. I am looking forward to helping the school as it goes from strength to strength." ​ Tim Higginson "I became a governor in January 2024, and will be taking an interest in finance. I live in the parish of Albourne and am now retired, having spent my career in the NHS. I am looking forward to helping the school as it goes from strength to strength."

  • Classes | Albourne C of E Primary School

    Class Pages Resources for parents and pupils. Reception: Robins class Information for parents with a child in our Reception (Robins) class in 2024-5. Curriculum Overview Find out more Year 1: Wagtails Information for parents with a child in our Year 1 (Wagtails) class in 2024-5 Curriculum Overview Find out more Year 2: Skylarks class Information for parents with a child in our Year 2 (Skylarks) class in 2024-5 Curriculum Overview Find out more Year 3: Kingfishers Information for parents with a child in our Year 3 (Kingfishers) class in 2024-5 Curriculum Overview Find out more Year 4/5: Starlings class Information for parents with a child in our Starlings class in 2024-25 Curriculum Overview Find out more Year 5/6: Nightingale class Information for parents with a child in our Year 5/6 class in 2024-25 Curriculum Overview Find out more

  • Forest School | Albourne C of E Primary School

    Forest School Developing self-esteem through hands-on learning in a natural environment. Intent Our Forest School offers children regular opportunities to develop their self-esteem through hands-on learning in a natural environment. ​ Forest School sessions provide time for play, exploration and focussed activities. They also provide practical ways for children to further understand the natural world. Children learn skills such as the use of tools for designing and making; shelter-building and fire-lighting and cooking. Forest School within the curriculum Forest School learning contributes to a broad and balanced curriculum. It enhances the National Curriculum for each subject. ​ Reading We read stories around the fire. Books such as Follow the Swallow lead to discussions around bird migration, nest building sessions and collecting 'worms'. The story Stick Man leads to children making their own 'stick people'. Mathematics We use counting (varied and counting up and down) in Forest School games such as Hide and Seek. We compare lengths of sticks to children’s heights. Sticks for the fire are ordered, just as we order items in Maths lessons. Children create 2-D shapes with sticks We use directional language and movement (e.g. clockwise/anti-clockwise) when working with tools, especially palm drills. Science Pupils observe and identify evergreen and deciduous trees and how they look/change in different seasons. Pupils learn to identify bluebells and primroses and are aware of the variety of fungi which grow on the site. Pupils are taught to identify nettles and brambles to avoid being stung/scratched. Pupils observe a variety of birds, including robins and pigeons, squirrels and pond creatures such as newts, pond skaters and water boatmen. They also observe a variety of insects and mini beasts. We hold natural scavenger hunts in the Forest. We hold ongoing discussions about materials, especially when building shelters. In Key Stage 2 we looking at self-seeded trees; compare green and dry woods; observe sap bubbling when 'green' sticks are put on the fire. We hold discussions on role of parts of trees. Pupils are introduced to the idea that plants make their own food. We look at different methods of seed dispersal. ​ Art and Design Forest art includes mud hand prints and mud sculptures; creating 'stick people'; wood disc names and decorations; creating pictures made with natural materials; whittled and decorated sticks; using clay to make tree faces and making and using charcoal. Pupils in Key Stage 2 make whittled knives and sticks; natural leaf print pictures using hammers; carry out natural weaving; make dream catchers and natural jewellery. In Forest School we use a number of tools to create design work, such as palm drills, bow saws, peelers, and flint and steels. Pupils create items of their choosing as well as adult-initiated objects. Technical knowledge is applied when building shelters and in our tallest free-standing tower challenge. Design and Technology (Cooking and Nutrition) We use a of range of cooking techniques in Forest School to cook marshmallows, popcorn, waffles, soup, damper bread, pitta pizzas, sausages, pancakes, toffee apples and toast. We make use of ingredients that grows in the area to make sticky-weed juice and dandelion jam. Pupils learn about the poisonous plants growing in the area and therefore those that are not suitable for eating. ​ As part of the Hurst Education Trust , Albourne pupils have also been able to take part in Forest School workshops at Hurst College. "Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions." FOREST SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Downloads and links Download our documents for further information about our curriculum. Forest School Association Forest School at Albourne Forest School and the curriculum

  • Safeguarding | Albourne C of E Primary School

    Safeguarding Our Safeguarding Statement. Safeguarding Statement Albourne CE Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, which are in line with the statutory guidance issued by the DfE - Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2024. Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy is updated annually, and can be viewed from the Policies page . Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child's welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child's welfare. Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) for Child Protection are: Ms Fiona Keeling (Headteacher) Mrs Gemma Cragg (Deputy Headteacher) Claire Atkins (Senior Teacher) Ms Nargis Miah (SENCO) Mr Peter Wilkes (Operations Manager) The Lead Governor for safeguarding is: ​​ Janneke Blokland ( Chair of Governors) ​ If you need to contact any of our DSL's , please email the office: ​ ​ ​ ​ Prevent Strategy Prevent (prevention of radicalisation) is a government strategy designed to prevent people becoming involved in terrorists activities, or supporting terrorist or extremist causes. Many of the things we do in school through PSHE and other aspects of social, emotional, spiritual and cultural support ensures our pupils become positive, confident members of society, so contribute to the Prevent strategy. ​ Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy - see the Policies page. Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 2024 West Sussex Executive Summary West Sussex School Handbook 2024 Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 The Prevent Strategy Low level Concerns Downloads For all letters, information and forms for parents, please visit our Downloads page. Downloads

  • Year 6 2023-24 | Albourne C of E Primary School

    Year 5/6 Nightingale Class Following the Albourne Way living life to the full Nightingales Curriculum Overview 2-24-5 Meet the Teacher Sep 2024 Welcome to Nightingales. ​ ​ 'Ask Me Abouts' will be added here half-termly to keep you informed about what we have been doing and what we intend to do in Nightingales class. Welcome to Nightingales (Years 5 and 6). ​ The teacher in Nightingales is Mr. Hamilton. The class also has the support of Mrs. Henson in the mornings and as cover for Mr. Hamilton on Friday afternoons. Nightingales have a newly built classroom separate from the school’s main building with its own lockers, toilet block and a smaller group-work room. The Autumn term will introduce the children to the geography topic of Mountains and Volcanoes. They will find out how volcanoes affect the lives of those living in Iceland, and making local comparisons with people living in mountainous areas of Wales. In English, the children will follow the Albourne Writers Way to create some wonderful descriptive writing inspired by ‘The Wolves of Currumpaw’,’The man who walked between the Twin Towers’ and ‘Survivors’. We expect all children to be reading daily at home and in school when the opportunity arises. Home reading should be recorded in their reading diary, which we check weekly- those who have been reading daily will have a raffle ticket entered into the half-termly reading challenge, with the opportunity to win a book. In maths, we will be recapping the children’s knowledge of place value, the four operations and fractions. This will be carried out through a range of question types to help develop a deeper understanding of mathematical skills. We will also do a weekly times table challenge to help speed up their recall. In computing the children will be learning more about the importance of safety and how we can use spreadsheets to help with calculations and displaying of data. Design technology will be a themed day run by the STEM Ambassadors, who have quite a challenge for the children. Religion, will allow the children to find out about the Hajj through a study of Islam and to study the question, ‘Was Jesus the messiah?’ To keep fit and healthy, we will have two PE lessons per week- our first session will focus on developing tag rugby skills and the second will split, with year 6 going swimming and year 5 doing dance. In science we will explore living things and their environments. We will be having a trip to London to the Natural history Museum as part of geography topic work. We set homework on Google Classroom based on reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling, and maths (related to our classwork). Thanks, as ever, to all the parents and carers for their help and support. Please feel free to contact us. ​ ​ Downloads For all letters, information and forms for parents, please follow the link to our Downloads page. Downloads page

  • Year R 2023-24 | AlbourneCEPrimary

    Year R Robins Class Following the Albourne Way living life to the full Robins Curriculum Overview 2024-25

  • Year 3 2023-24 | AlbourneCEPrimary

    Year 3 Kingfishers Class Following the Albourne Way living life to the full Meet the Teacher September 2024 Kingfishers Curriculum Overview 2-24-5 Welcome to Kingfishers and Year 3. The class teacher in Kingfishers is Miss Johanson. Kingfishers have a locker to keep their belongings in – we ask that children only bring small bags/book bags into school each day so that the lockers are not too full! Children are welcome to bring a snack of fruit, vegetables or cheese for morning playtime and will need to have water bottles in school, as usual. Pictures of staff Our main topic for the Autumn Term is Stone Age to Iron Age. In history, we consider the key question: What are the similarities and differences between the stone, bronze and iron ages. In the Spring term, we move on to focus on to the ancient Egyptians and in the Summer term our topic is UK and the South Downs. More detail is available on the curriculum pages of the school website. One of the exciting things about Year 3 is that we start swimming at Hurst College in the spring and summer terms! Remember to bring in your swimming bags on Wednesdays. We have high expectations of reading, therefore we encourage every child to read at least 5 times weekly, and ask parents or children to record this in their reading diaries. We will check the diaries every Monday and each week a child achieves the 5x a week target, a raffle ticket is put in the box ready for the reading challenge assembly. Tickets are drawn half-termly to see who can choose a ‘Golden Book’. Homework in Year 3 consists of reading (as above), spellings (weekly) and a topic based task that will cover options from across the curriculum, which is due every half term. PE is twice a week on a Wednesday (swimming) and Friday. We are trialling the children coming into school in their PE kit on these days. Copies of our half-termly ‘Ask Me About’ newsletter and our latest homework grid can be found below. ​ Ask Me About May 2024 Ask Me About May 2024 Ask Me About March 2024 Ask Me About February 2024 Ask Me About

  • Staff | Albourne C of E Primary School

    Staff A caring and committed team. At Albourne Church of England Primary School we have a caring and committed team of skilled staff who work together to make a positive difference to children's lives. We want to ensure that every child is given the best learning opportunities to develop academically, socially and emotionally. ​ Our class teachers work together to make a positive difference to the children's lives, to ensure that every child is given the best learning opportunities to develop academically, socially and emotionally. Our class teachers work together, following 'The Albourne Way Excellence in Teaching and Learning policy' to ensure that we have consistent practice across the school. The teaching team in every class work closely together to ensure that planning is shared, and children's needs are met. Pupils in every class are also supported by trained T eaching Assistants. ​ 'The Albourne Way Excellence in Teaching and Learning policy' can be found on our Policies page. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

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